Ten Guidelines for a Pleasant Trip in the Car

As summer approaches, it’s time to start thinking about how you’ll spend your much-needed downtime away from the house. Taking a road trip is still the most cost-effective option for many people, even with the recent spike in gas costs. This is particularly true for those planning to take a holiday with a large family.


Check out the slideshow for 20 must-know pointers to ensure a smooth road trip, from what to pack in advance to the best road munchies.

1. Create a route plan for your journey.

Create a route plan for your journey.

While spontaneity is the name of the game on a road trip, it’s important to have a plan so you don’t go too far off track and tire yourself out behind the wheel. Google Maps is a great tool for pre-trip planning; just remember to save your route before heading off so you can access it even if you don’t have cell connection. It’s wonderful to get out and walk about every so often, even if you’re just on the road for a few hours. Look for pit breaks, interesting landmarks, and other diversions along the way to break up the monotony of driving.

2. See a mechanic before setting off in your vehicle.


You need to make sure your automobile is road-ready before you go off on your journey. Make sure everything is in good operating condition, including the oil, tires, and headlights.

3. Be sure to give your automobile a thorough wash.


There’s nobody who wants to ride in a filthy vehicle. Get it detailed professionally for a low price, or do it yourself by vacuuming all the surfaces, clearing out the trunk, and cleaning out the cup holders.

4. Bring a lot of Snacks.


There will be lots of petrol stations to stop at, but don’t count on finding the most appetizing or nutritious items there. Pack some shelf-stable foods like peanut butter, crackers, beef jerky, and trail mix for your next road trip.

5. Make solid selections of music.


You need to take measures to avoid being bored during a lengthy trip. Prepare for those late-night stretches by loading your phone with music you like, and be sure to include enough of upbeat tracks to help keep you awake. Download some interesting audiobooks or podcasts, or listen to one of the many road trip playlists available on services like Spotify and Apple Music.

If you’re becoming bored with music, try listening to anything with a story. Instead of staring blankly out the window while driving, you may be learning something new by listening to a podcast series or an audiobook.

6. Pack the vehicle with all the necessities for the journey.


It’s crucial to have all the necessities in the vehicle before setting off on a road trip. In the event that anything goes wrong, you’ll be glad you packed the trunk with emergency supplies like jumper cables, a first aid kit, and extra water. Tools for doing fast repairs and spare phone batteries are also useful to have on hand.

7. Refrain from eating junk food and choose instead for nutritious alternatives.


Choose healthy snacks so you don’t feel bad at the conclusion of your road trip, despite how tempting it is to eat chips and sweets. For satiety on the road, pack some high-protein nutritional bars or meats like jerky, hard-boiled eggs, and cheese.

8. During your trip, take turns being the driver with your friends.


It’s important to be fair when dividing up driving time among licensed individuals. It’s best if everyone who can should take a turn driving so that no one gets too sleepy behind the wheel.

9. Pack lightly


Overpacking is not recommended since there is only so much space in a vehicle and there are many items you will need. If you discover that you’ve packed too much, you may either reduce the weight of your load or relocate to a bigger car.

10. If you want to take home a memorable memento from your vacation, you might think about buying a dash cam.


Using a dash cam as a novel and entertaining memento of a road trip is easy on the wallet. Putting the camera on the dashboard and getting behind the wheel is a cinch. When you go home from your vacation and look at the film, you’ll have a fresh appreciation for the places you saw.

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